Essex, Canal, E.Broadway
People in painting from left to right
Sam Fleischer- Furthest left bottom- Does many charity works in the community
Lou Magrene- Right of Sam Fleischer- Bowery Savings Bank- Gave me first show Elaine- Right of Lou Magrene- From “Elaine’s Restaurant”- Met through Moss Calhoun painting.
Shan- Black dog- Page Family
Jo-Anne Page- Right of Shan-Red top, white skirt- Daughter of Eric and Hedy Page
Ken Page- Right of Jo-Anne page- White shirt- Son of Eric and Hedy Page
Lance- Great Dane- Page Family
Paula Kellman- Right of Ken Page- Mother of Hedy Page
Eric Page- Right of Paula Kellman - Husband of Hedy Page
Hedy Page- Right of Eric Page- Artist- Wife of Eric Page
Renee Fine- Right of Hedy Page- Photographer- Did book of “The Synagogues of the Lower
East Side”
Professor Gerald R. Wolfe- Right of Renee Fine- Did book of “The Synagogues of the Lower
East Side”
Margaret Bensussan- Right of Gerald Wolfe- Artist and friend of Page Family
Abe Eisenfeld- Right of Margaret Bensussan- Head of the Educational Alliance art
Dr. Alan Zimmerman- Right of Abe Eisenfeld- Friend of Page Family
Marcia Zimmerman- Right of Dr. Alan Zimmerman- Wife of Dr. Alan Zimmerman
Charles Cory Smith (Charley)- Middle of painting in front of yellow cab- White shirt-Owns
Block’s Inn 141 Division Street
Lady in red jacket, white hair- Right of Charles Cory Smith- Charles Cory Smith’s mother or
mother in law
Theodore Zablidowsky (Teddy)- Right of man with small cart with clothes on it- Blue
checked jacket, black pants
Millard Darden- Man to right of group of 3 women crossing on east side of Canal Street-
Yellow shirt, black jacket, tan pants, and cap
Eddie Schnur- Tan jacket, dark pants, cap, eyeglasses- Retired history teacher
Neil Kresel- Right of Eddie Schnur- White jacket- Owns fruit store across the street Tsana Yu- Right of Neil Kresel- Holding baby, other child on right
Nadine Cannon- Right of Tsana Yu- Friend of Page Family
Mac- Walking west on Strauss Square near East Broadway- Wearing white
Prince Hoshoah- Man in middle of painting with shopping cart filled with clothes- “I’m all
over the city and I wear a cross and a Star of David and I sell to everybody.”
Francisco Charrion- In group in back of lady in red- Blue jacket and dungarees
Ghengis Rosario- Left of Francisco Charrion
“Cowboy”- Left of Ghengis Rosario- Orange shirt, black vest, spikes on his wrist
Man standing on the right of Garden Cafeteria- Belongs to the “Cowboy” group but said to
me “Please put me right there next to the bus stop, so that I look like those people who have a place to go.”
Information on painting
The Educational Alliance- 197 East Broadway NY, NY 10002- On left, first building after the two large trees in background
The Forward Building- The Jewish Daily Forward- Tallest building on street- Now a Chinese church and center for senior citizens
The Garden Cafeteria- Corner of East Broadway and Essex Subway Station-F train- East Broadway, right of Garden Cafeteria Perfect Travel- Travel agency- Owned by Mr. Newstate
Strauss Square- Little park in the middle of the painting
The Garden Cafeteria had long been one of the centers of the Jewish Lower East Side world. When the Jewish Daily Forward was being published in the building which is now a Chinese church, it was a meeting place for those connected to it, for the Workman’s Circle, which was also quartered there and for many neighborhood people. I was told that it was owned by the Yorkony family.
When I began this painting, the population had shifted dramatically and the area was mostly Puerto Rican and Chinese. That began to be reflected in the Garden Cafeteria clientele.
Inside, everything seemed to have a pattern. A group of retired or semi-retired regulars spent hours drinking coffee or tea near the window, and it was from them that I learned most of the history of the area. Toward the back near the food counters sat the people from the park across the street, and they were mostly Puerto Rican and they were usually young. There were a few Chinese people as well, and at lunchtime the place was packed with business people and shoppers.
The park called Strauss Square was where people who needed work used to congregate and others who would need someone to work for them would come there and hire those who asked for the lowest wages. That was during the Depression years. Now the elderly and the drug pushers share the park.