Park Slope, Brooklyn
The painting was begun in April 1979, and completed in July of that year. It focuses on the east side of Seventh Avenue looking north toward Carroll Street from near the corner of Garfield Place.
Slope Jewelers is in the foreground. It has been in existence since 1947. The shop was established in Park Slope by Charles and Lena (Lana) Kaplan, who were obliged to move from the Lower East Side of Manhattan when the building which housed their store was demolished to make way for a city park.
Charles Kaplan’s business had been in Manhattan since 1906. Both Charles and Lana are shown in the painting seated side by side on the stoop near the entrance to the jewelry store. Their depiction was done posthumously from photographs. Charles died in 1970, and Lena in 1973.Leon Kaplan, the son of Charles and Lena and the present owner of Slope Jewelers, is shown unloading clocks from his 1978 Mercury Zephyr station wagon near the curb in front of the store. Standing in front of the store window are Andrew Ewen and Judy Kaplan, Leon’s daughter. To their left, Nancy Kaplan- Leon’s wife- stands holding the leashes of their two dogs, Friday (pug), and Tintype (doberman pinscher). Approaching Nancy, from his left near the fence, is the Kaplan’s housekeeper, Esther Hayward, carrying a shopping bag over the arm. Beyond the store, at the number 155 building entrance, are two of the buildings tenants, Leon and Sandra Parnes, trying to coax their dog, Stasha , into the house.Across the avenue from the store, we see a police car from the 78th precinct, paused in the street. Somewhat behind them, overhead, we see the wooden horses comprising part of the sign belonging to the Coach Inn, a neighborhood pub. Farther in the background, at the northwest corner of Carroll Street, we see the spire of the Grace Methodist Church, or “Old First”, as it is more familiarly known.
People in the painting:
Larry Kinzer- Next to Wonder Bread truck- knew the Soyers“Sonny” Haviland- In middle of street crossing toward left with his two grandchildren- Owner of Victory Market Mr. and Mrs. Leon Parnes- Man with dark glasses and husky dog and woman in white leaning over railing
Andrew Ewen- Young man in white shirt near Slope Jewelers
Judy Kaplan- To right of Andrew Ewen- Daughter of Leon and Nancy Kaplan
Nancy Kaplan- Lady with doberman (Tintype) and pug (Birdie)- Wife of Leon Kaplan
Charles Kaplan- Sitting on porch- Leon Kaplan’s father
Lena Kaplan- Sitting on porch- Leon Kaplan’s mother
Esther Hayward- Furthest right- Woman in red sweater
Group by fruit store in middle of right-Charlie Baker- On left
Willie White- In middle- Light green shirt
Charley White- On right- White hair and glasses- Husband of Willie on right Leon Kaplan- Holding clock- Husband of Nancy Kaplan
The group of children on the right side of the sidewalk and on the right side of the red car with the black top-Bernard Haviland, Laura Chevatewa, and Danielle Chevatewa